Competitive Programming

Sep 21, 2024 · 2 min read

I am highly involved with Competitive Programming. I started doing competitive programming in high school. I received a Bronze Medal in the Asia-Pacific Informatics Olympiad (APIO) 2019.

Then, I joined the Competitive Programming Team of Hangzhou Dianzi University, where I competed as the team leader (2020-2023) and served as the student coach (2022-2023).

After that, I joined the Competitive Programming Team of the City University of Hong Kong, competed as the team leader (2023-2025), and served as the student coach (2023-2025).

In my competitive programming career, I won 5 gold medals in the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) regional contests and 3 gold medals in the China Collegiate Programming Contest (CCPC) series contests.

I also serve as the chief judge and set problems for multiple official contests, including the ICPC Asia EC Regionals Online Selection Contests (48th and 49th).

You can also find me on Codeforces.

Problem Setting and Judging

[2024.09] The 49th ICPC Asia EC Regionals Online Contest (II)

[2024.07] 2024 HDU Multi-University Training Contest 3

[2024.05] The 7th Guangxi Collegiate Programming Contest

[2023.09] The 48th ICPC Asia EC Regionals Online Contest (I)

[2023.08] 2023 HDU Multi-University Training Contest 5

[2023.06] The 6th Guangxi Collegiate Programming Contest

[2022.06] The 5th Guangxi Collegiate Programming Contest

Awards in ICPC

[2024.11] Gold medal in the 49th ICPC Asia Hangzhou Regional

[2023.12] Gold medal in the 48th ICPC Asia Hangzhou Regional

[2022.12] Gold medal in the 47th ICPC Asia Nanjing Regional

[2022.11] Gold medal in the 47th ICPC Asia Hefei Regional (6th place)

[2020.12] Gold medal in the 45th ICPC Asia Jinan Regional

Awards in CCPC

[2023.11] Gold medal in the 9th CCPC Harbin Site

[2022.11] Gold medal in the 8th CCPC Guangzhou Site

[2022.11] Gold medal in the 8th CCPC Weihai Site

Awards in Other Contests

[2024.10] Hong Kong Championship in IEEEXtreme 18.0 (13th globally)

[2024.10] Gold medal in 2024 CCF CCSP Contest

[2024.06] 2nd Place in the ACM-HK Programming Contest 2024

[2023.10] Hong Kong Championship in IEEEXtreme 17.0 (11th globally)

[2023.04] Gold medal in the 20th Zhejiang Provincial CPC (2nd place)

[2022.04] Gold medal in the 19th Zhejiang Provincial CPC (4th place)

[2021.04] Gold medal in the 18th Zhejiang Provincial CPC